Sustainable Solutions for Community - Conservation - Climate Change Interface
Innovative Initiatives for Community Development based on vernacular knowledge system of sustainable utilization of local resources through indigenous technology
- Facilitate conservation of natural resources and development of human resources on the basis of sustainability.
- Provide contextually appropriate technology to socially and economically deprived sections through different programs of federal and state governments and other concerned institutions.
- Facilitate integrated development of rural women and children
- Promote optimum utilization of natural resources viz. land, water, air,vegetation etc. for sustainable eco-development.
- Contribute in policy development through field studies/ researches in the area of environment & forests and rural development
Our Services

- Microplanning of Joint Forest Management committees in Shivpuri, Bhopal, Rajgarh, Hoshangabad, Harda and Seoni Forest divisions.
- Preparation of Action Plan of Rajeev Gandhi Babai Mili-watershed in Hoshangabad district.
- Preparation of Gokul Gram yojna in Harrai Block of Chhindwara district.
- Preparation of Bio-diversity register for Thel Bijna range of North Seoni Forest division.
- MGNREGS Shelf of Project in Chhapara block of Seoni district

- Study on Impact of Joint Forest Management in Hoshangabad Forest division.
- Survey for "Institution and Bamboo Production to consumption system (a comparative study of China and India) sponsored by INBAR to University of Toronto, Cananda.
- A UNDP-NIRD sponosored project through Central University Hyderabad titled Dispute Resolution in scheduled V areas of Madhya Pradesh.
- A study on Forest headloaders in North Seoni Forest division.

Training And Workshop
- Need of NGO involvement for sustainability of Joint Forest Management at Harda Forest division. Along with 3 IFS officers, SFS officers and NGO workers and published a newsletter "Aranya Jyoti".
- Training of Forest Guard, Forester, Dy. Ranger on Forest law, PRA, Microplanning, Joint Forest Management in Bhopal and Hoshangabad Forest divisions.
- Training of Forest Fire guards at Keolari forest range in Seoni.
- Training of Gram Swaraj to members of Panchayati Raj Institution at Chhapara block, Seoni
- Training of Animators of Self Help Groups in all blocks of Seoni district.
- Training for ADEOs of Morena district on PRA based implementation of Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna.
- Many workshop and training on SGSY, NRLM, WSHG, Financial literacy, Self Help Groups etc.

Implementation Of Schemes/Programs
- UN World Food Programme’s Integrated Village Development Programme in 2 villages of Harda district. and 2 villages in Seoni district. under United Nations World Food Programme through MP Forest Departmnt
- Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarojgar yojna at Chhapara block of Seoni district.
- National Rural Livelihood Mission at Chhapara and Lakhnadon blocks of Seoni district.
- NABARD SHG bank linkage programme at Chhapara and Lakhnadon Blocks of Seoni district.
- Women Self Help Groups Programme at Chhapara, Dhanora, Seoni and Lakhnadon blocks of Seoni district.
- Strengthening of Women Self help groups in Chhapara, Dhanora, Lakhnadon and Ghansor blocks of Seoni district sponsored by Women and Child development department.
- MGNREGS Shelf of Project in Chhapara block of Seoni district
- Total Sanitation Campaign in Chhapara block of Seoni district